84 Piedmont Street
WCG purchased 84 Piedmont in 2006, based on the neighborhood-identified preference for residential use of the building (there had been some discussion of the property being re-zoned for commercial purposes). Post-acquisition, Worcester Common Ground maintained 84 Piedmont to meet safety and code standards, until 2012, when we were able to roll its rehabilitation into the Austin Corridor II project. Built in 1890, this Greek revival home was another property for which historical integrity was a focus. As an example, WCG tried hard to retain the original pediment (the triangular structure at the front of the building), but decay was too advanced. Although the pediment did have to be reconstructed, architects remained true to the original dimensions and some design features of the building; the windows, for example are cottage-style (meaning their bottom sashes are taller than their upper sashes). 84 Piedmont is managed by Maloney Properties and rental inquiries can be directed to (508) 752-0833.