WCG announces leasing process for 126 Chandler Street is officially started

April 7, 2021

What better way to celebrate a full year of construction than announcing that the leasing process for 126 Chandler Street is officially underway?! 126 Chandler Street will be home to 31 affordable rental units – 1, 2, and 3-bedrooms. The building will also provide a large community room, street-level commercial space for Horizon Acupuncture (our longtime tenant who is currently across the street at our 133 Chandler Street building) and a rooftop greenhouse!
The leasing process and property management operations for 126 Chandler will be handled entirely by Maloney Properties. Maloney currently operates our 9 May and Austin Corridor II properties.
For more information on the leasing process, unit specifics, and getting and application, please visit www.126chandler.com or contact Maloney Properties at 126chandler@maloneyproperties.com and 617-209-5442.